Kids' Summer Reading: Picture Books You Might Not Have Heard Of


I did some Facebook crowdsourcing and put together a list of children's books that I'd never heard of but that sounded interesting. We've checked out a few of these and I can't wait to dig in. Next week I'll post a list of our family's favorites.

Title Author
The Journey Trilogy Becker, Aaron
Grandfather Twilight Berger, Barbara Helen
A Pig Parade Is a Terrible Idea Black, Michael Ian
The Very Cranky Bear Bland, Nick
The Right Word: Roget and His Thesaurus Bryant, Jen
Katy and the Big Snow Burton, Virginia Lee
Jabari Jumps Cornwall, Gaia
Tough Boris Fox, Mem
Shopping with Dad Harvey, Matt
Julia’s House for Lost Creatures Hatke, Ben
The Seven Silly Eaters Hoberman, Maryann
The Calico Jungle Ipcar, Dahlov
Let’s Talk About Race Lester, Julius
Little Blue and Little Yellow Lionni, Leo
Three Little Birds Marley, Cedella
Tap the Magic Tree Matheson, Christie
A Book of Sleep Na, Il Sung
The Way Back Home Oliver Jeffers
Beautiful Oops! Saltzberg, Barney
The Wheels on the Tuk-Tuk Sehgal, Kabir & Surishtha
The House in the Night Swanson, Susan Marie
Chalk Thomson, Bill
They All Saw a Cat Wenzel, Brendan
Tuesday Wiesner, David
The Penguin and Pinecone Yoon, Salina
Laura Beth Davidson