To October Me

Dear October You,

I’m writing to you from the future. April 30, 2021 to be exact. I want to tell you a few things that will prepare you for the next six months. Which do you want first: the good news? Or the bad news? There’s some of both, but I’m not gonna lie, the bad news is pretty bad, so let’s just get that out of the way now.


In just a few weeks, Alice is going to be diagnosed with a Wilms tumor. I know. But it’s okay. She’s doing really well, her doctors are amazing, and the prognosis is great. Run your fingers through her hair a little more, and get ready to be completely overwhelmed by how strong she is and how much love there is in the world. 


This is going to be the hardest season you’ve ever gone through, and I want to give you permission now to grieve and sulk and wallow and cry. Following Alice’s diagnosis, you will find yourself full of gratitude for the kindness of your friends, family, and even perfect strangers. People from every aspect of your entire life will step forward to pour into your life and it will get you through. But it’s still really f-ing hard, and just because it certainly could be harder doesn’t mean that you’re not allowed to hate it as it is.


I realize I basically just told you that a freight train is coming right at you, but I promise it’s not all bad.

Here’s some good news. 

  • You will still get to have your solo gallery in March and it will be amazing. 

  • You can look forward to a vaccine that you’ll be able to get in early April, and life really will start looking a bit more normal eventually. You’re even going to get to go to church in person on Easter!

  • You’re going to discover the Lazy Genius and it will change your life and help you to survive these months of crazy.

  • There’s a new pho place that’s going to open next to Kroger and they do takeout.

  • Anne is going to blow your mind on the soccer field.

  • Chatham Rabbits are going to come play a concert in your backyard, and even in the midst of a truly shitty season, it’s gonna be one of the best nights of your life.


Hang in there. It’s all going to be okay. Just take deep breaths and small steps, ask for help and grace, rest when you can, and maybe buy some stock in GameStop. (Just trust me on that one.)


April Me